How to Use Key Metrics to Analyse Digital Marketing Success

Author: Helene Cue


It’s very tempting to start employing in-trend digital marketing techniques that guarantee success. However, in order to remain in control of your marketing efforts, you have to keep track of the metrics to actually make sure a campaign is successful as it seems. If you do not measure your marketing campaigns, you will never know what is working and what is not.

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What is Pixel Ranking? Myposeo’s New SEO Ranking KPI

Pixel Ranking refers to the number of pixels between a site’s ranking on the result’s page, and the top of the page. The higher your Pixel Ranking, the less visibile your site is from the top of the page. Being visibile immediately on the results page has a significant impact on click thru rates – the more visible you are, the more likely users are to click thru to your site and meet your business goals.

What is the Value of Pixel Ranking?
By knowing how far down you are on the results page and which SERP Features (Images, Videos, Top Stories, Featured Snippets etc.) are triggered by your keywords, you can adapt the format of your SEO content to ensure your site ranks in those blocks. Ranking in Universal Search often times means a site is ranking above the fold, and hence you get the best online visibility.

Source: Myposeo

You’ve all heard about Google’s Pixel 4 smartphone and DXOMark rankings, but have you heard of a Pixel Ranking? …No? Well, it’s not the latest Google Pixel Smartphone, it’s a metric to help you fully understand your TRUE organic ranking on the Search Engine Results Page. 

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Hacking Cyber Monday

Since Black Friday isn’t enough, the e-commerce community brings to you, Cyber Monday!

Legend has it that the term was coined back in 2005, when the Monday after Thanksgiving was recorded as ‘’one of the biggest online shopping day of the year’’. Cyber Monday has the highest conversion rates over the 5-day Thanksgiving holiday period according to SimilarWeb, making it the biggest sales opportunity for online retailers, as well as the highest online traffic day in the year.

So, how can online retailers cut through the noise and be seen during this highly competitive period? 

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6 SEO Horror Stories to Learn from this Halloween 2019

Today is Halloween – a popular US holiday that is now celebrated worldwide for no apparent reason, but has over 20 million online searches and hence is celebrated by the SEO community.

In the spirit of Halloween, we decided to compile a list of the top 6 SEO Horror Stories that occurred over the decade and what you can learn from them to save you from a horror story of your own.

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5 Easy Steps to Improve your Etail Content Strategy

Did you know that the prospective number of digital buyers is expected to be nearly 2 billion in 2019? That’s almost a quarter of the world’s population, according to Statista.

Etailers need to ensure better online visibility on the SERPs if they want to capture these buyers. The best way to achieve this is through a content strategy.

Here are 5 easy steps to improve or create your Etail Content Strategy:

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