We are pleased to announce that the We Love SEO conference is back for a 7th edition. Always accompanied by OnCrawl, this year we offer a hybrid event (physical and virtual). See you on October 21st to discover the latest SEO trends and the keys to search marketing.

We Love SEO season 7
Organised by Myposeo and Oncrawl since 2014, We Love SEO is a day of conferences, round tables and expertise led by renowned French and international figures.
Best practices, exchanges, feedback, actionable advice: come and discover the latest trends and innovations in the sector and develop your knowledge.
For the past 7 years, many SEO experts have participated in We Love SEO: from Lily Ray to John Mueller, Paul Shapiro, Julien Creen, Gary Illyes, Paul Sanches and David Dragesco.
After the 2020 WeLove SEO Virtual Summit, this year, in order to adapt to the changing health crisis, We Love SEO will be a hybrid. This means that you will be able to participate either physically or via your computer. All conferences and Q&A will be streamed live for a unique experience.

On the agenda
- Alexandre Sigoigne, CEO Myposeo and David Séjourné, VP SEO Jellyfish, will lead a case study on “Data, SEO et bon sens : comment peut-on encore se faire une place dans les SERPs de Google ?”
- Bastian Grimm will host the closing keynote. His talk will be on “Rewind to fast forward: Play the classics or time for change?“
Find the details of all the conferences here.
How to register?
To register, simply go to the event website.
Hurry up, the number of places is limited!
Les Jardins de Saint Dominique
49-51 rue Saint Dominique
75007 Paris
Line 12 and 8, RER C (Invalides) or Line 12 (Assemblée Nationale)
Marketing manager @myposeo, community manager and writer.
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