Pixel Ranking, why it is essential?


The American giant Google is constantly testing and adding new features to its engine due to the increasing evolution of searches and machine learning. These developments sometimes completely modify the composition of the results page (SERP) and therefore the natural results position. Being first in SEO is not always synonymous of good visibility these day. This can be explained … Read more…


Study on the suppression of right block Adwords


On 24 February, Google announced the block suppression of Adwords sponsored ads in the right column and, in parallel, the addition of one supplementary ad at the top, bringing the number of top premium ads to 4. The visibility of the organic ads being buried at the same time behind the “advertising” block.

In order to better understand the impact of the right Adwords block suppression on the composition of pages, two weeks ago we released a small SERP study on Google.fr.

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