Keyword Master

Keyword Master,
Search and Categorisation of keywords

Myposeo's Keyword Master module is a tool for searching, suggesting and categorising keywords. Stop categorising your keywords by hand and take advantage of tools to speed up sorting and selection. Collect search volumes and automatically detect intentions and questions to prepare your content strategy and monitor your performance.

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How does Keyword Master work?

Compile and categorie thousands of keywords in just a few clicks.

Keyword list creation

Create a list of keywords from scratch. Retrieve Google suggestions and related searches to exponentially increase the size of your keyword corpus.

Categorisation of keywords

Save time with our suggestions for keyword categorisations, based on the most recurring expressions. Refine your categories based on regular expressions (regex) and automatically detect the intentions of your queries.

Detect opportunities

Collect search volumes and map the size of your market using tree maps. Detect the best research intentions of Internet users and start your monitoring.

Main features of the Keyword Master

No more working in Excel or Google Sheet. Say hello to the tool that will save you hundreds of hours!
  • Keyword Import
  • Enhance keyword list
  • Categorise Keywords
  • Other features
km - keywords

Import all your keywords

km - list keywords

Enhance your keyword list

km - categories

Rapid and Smart Categorisation

km - statistics

And many more essential features

Keyword Master Case Studies

synergies seo sea
SEO/PPC synergy in Myposeo

In this case, we will be highlighting the synergy between SEO and SEA (PPC) in search results pages. We will see, step by step, how Myposeo Insights can increase your performance and maximise your ROI by combining data collected using the two methods.

migration https
Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS

In this article, we will take a look at how to set up tools to help you keep track of your migration, measure its effect on ranking and be notified of any possible issues.

Consult our other complementary modules

Tools to help SEO consultants to format or collect semantic, technical or result
page data.


SEO Performance Tracking

Track your website’s ranking on the search engines on selected keywords and monitor your SEO strategy.


SEO Analytics Reports

Create and personalise your reports to visualise you SEO/ PPC campaign performance. Choose from over 150 KPIs.

Get started with Myposeo

Better customer experience, less worries for your team. Set up only takes a minute!

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