Pixel Ranking Case Study

case study pixel ranking

Myposeo’s Pixel Ranking revealed that Company X’s site was not visible above the fold as it had been pushed down the SERP due to Universal Search and Rich Snippet results appearing above them. After 3 months of monitoring and adapting SEO content, the number of keywords triggering a Featured Snippet result increased. The Pixel Ranking of these keywords decreased, meaning the distance between their position on the SERP and top of the page reduced. Their organic visibility increased by 86%, online conversions grew by 44% and the number of target keywords appearing on Page 1 increased by 93%.

About the Company

Company X is an ecommerce retailer, for confidentiality reasons, their name will not be revealed. As an online retailer, one of the most important channels of revenue relies on their visibility on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). This well known brand has transitioned from it’s offline brand presence of a myriad of consumer electronic products and service quality to a digital audience, old and new.

The Challenge

Company X’s e-commerce website reported a decrease in traffic over several months and hence wanted to monitor the visibility of their site and landing pages on the SERP. The SEO tools they had been using did not give them detailed ranking metrics to accurately assess search engine ranking and consequent visibility.

Company X published a large amount of content to provide information to customers and ultimately drive traffic to their site. They believed that the best way to drive traffic is to get maximum visibility by securing a place in Google’s Featured Snippet block. One of the key challenges they experienced was not being able to track their visibility on Universal Search results and hence were unable to understand the steps they needed to take to be visible in this block.


Using the Myposeo platform, we established an overview of the SERP based on the client’s selected keywords. The results provided a complete view of the competitive landscape and their share of voice against the competitors, known and unknown.

By deploying daily performance tracking, we were able to extract the exact Pixel Ranking of the site in granular detail, by the type of result (Images, Videos, Featured Snippet etc.).

This illustrated the potential opportunity to both, improve on organic positions as well as enhance SEO content to secure a Universal Search & Rich Snippet result. The Featured Snippets in particular, including a strategy to appear in other result types above the fold.

This Universal Search tracking went hand-in-hand with the monitoring of their Pixel Ranking. As the Pixel Ranking decreased (the distance between your ranking and the top of the page reduced), their average position/ ranking on the SERP went higher, meaning their visibility increased.

Below we show the relationship between Pixel Ranking (Green Line), The Average Position (Blue Line) and the featured Snippets (Red Line).

pixel ranking


1- Tracking their keywords in Universal Search & Rich Snippets together with Pixel Ranking, helped their teams adapt their content strategy to secure a higher position on the SERP.
2- Company X’s visibility grew by 86% between the months of June and December 2019. Correlated to a significant increase in online traffic by 64%
3- The monitoring and optimisation of keywords resulted in 93% of their targeted keywords appearing on Page 1
4- The positive impact on their revenue over that period increased to 37%
5- The inclusion of Pixel Ranking as well as understanding the other Snippets, enhanced their SEO & Content strategies. Reporting and analytics efficiency were improved and time spent was reduced by 70%, providing more time for strategic optimisation

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Increase in client efficiency
0 mois
Time to Value
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Myposeo’s Pixel Ranking really helped us understand our true organic ranking on the results pages that opened our eyes to how badly we were really doing in terms of visibility. By subscribing to the platform, we were able to track what kind of content would reduce our Pixel Ranking and increase our position on the results page. This coupled with the fact that we were able to track the keywords that were triggering our landing pages in the Featured Snippets helped us tighten up and optimise our keyword list to secure better visibility. The sophisticated tech and depth of data they were able to extract from the SERP really helped us immensely.
eCommerce Director, Company X

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