Myposeo's Indicator 

Pixel Ranking

The indicator that will help you understand your real organic position in the SERPs

What is Pixel Ranking?

Pixel Ranking or your physical position is a key performance indicator formulated by Myposeo to give you a clear and comprehensive understanding of your true organic ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).

A Pixel Ranking refers to the distance (in terms of number of pixels) between your ranking on the results page and the top of the page. The goal is to have a low Pixel ranking i.e. minimum distance between the top of the page and the position of your site to be visible above the fold and therefore visible to users without needing to scroll.

position pixel

Understand the fold

It is an imaginary line that divides the screen and after which, a user must scroll to find the rest of the content on the results page. The fold is the first 800 pixels of the screen on desktop and the first 800 pixels of the screen on mobile

desktop screenshot
Visible area on Desktop
mobile screenshot
Visible area on Mobile

How do I read my Pixel Ranking in Myposeo?

An Example of being visible Above the Fold

Let’s look at the example search query of “jameson water”.

The Jameson Whiskey website organically ranks in position 1 with a Pixel Rank of 172 and hence is above the fold and is visible in this first-look without needing to scroll.

jameson first position
Results page (Desktop 13-inch) for the query "jameson water"
pixel ranking myposeo
Reading it in Myposeo

An Example of being visible Below the Fold

Let’s look at the example search query of “how many calories in a shot of jameson“.

The website organically ranks in position 1 with a Pixel Rank of 860 and hence is below the fold. This means that Jameson Whiskey is not visible when users first look at the results page, and to find it, they must scroll down. This can cause Jameson Whiskey to lose their customers to other domains ranking above them, above the fold.

jameson pixel ranking
Results page (Desktop 13-inch) for the query "how many calories in a shot of jameson"
pixel ranking in myposeo
Reading it in Myposeo

Learn more about Pixel Ranking

You have understood it, the Pixel Ranking is the indicator that you must absolutely follow to know your true SEO position and stand out from your competitors in the results pages of search engines. Want to know more? Read our detailed articles on the subject: 

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