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2019 SEO News Recap

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a New Year! Happy 2020 everyone! To start off the new year, we compiled a list of some of the most important news reports and announcements that came about in the last quarter of 2019 to get you ready for the year to come. 

October 2019:

Google Search Console added new reports for Video Search Results called a ‘Video Enhancement Report’ that would help SEO’s learn more about the real performance of video content and be able to improve results.

Google’s John Mueller broke the myth about H1 tags not having a critical impact on a website’s SEO, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored. We compiled a list of tips to optimise H1 tags, in response.

Emarketer came out with a report that showed a decline in Search Ad market share by Google, putting Amazon in the lead for future growth. Could 2020 be the year that Amazon takes over Google in the Search Ads market?

In the spirit of Halloween, we shared 6 SEO Horror Stories that should be kept in mind when creating your strategy for 2020 to avoid a nightmare of your own, we recommend a quick read.

November 2019:

Google released BERT, its latest search algorithm that will help better understand the nuances of language and the context of words to better match search queries with more accurate results.

Facebook confused the world with their logo rebrand to FACEBOOK that transitions to the brand colours of apps that it owns i.e. Whatsapp, Messenger and Instagram.

Twitter Topics was introduced to streamline user navigation on the platform by topic, instead of by hashtag and user profiles, giving more exposure to new brands that don’t have a huge following.

WSJ accused Google of manipulating search results to benefit partners, advertisers and big businesses including the removal of sensitive subjects like abortion and immigration. Google denied it but we compiled an SEO checklist just in case.

December 2019:  

December started off with Cyber Monday that had some of the best deals since last year. It’s never too late to start planning for it so start your year off by hearing what our experts advise you to do for this year. 

Google finally confirmed their Local Search Update that included the use of neural matching as part of the process of generating local search results, that they started in November 2019.

Bing expanded Visual Search in Microsoft Windows to allow users to conduct searches using an image to find similar images.

Christmas brought new updates and features – bans by Twitter on animated PNG images and changes in Amazon advertising that would make it easier for agencies to advertise on their client’s behalf.

We also ended the year with a little Christmas present about Seasonal Keywords and a recap on all Google updates that took place in 2019.

May Madan

Marketing Assistant UK @myposeo