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Seasonal Keywords & Myposeo

Merry Elfin’ Christmas! ‘Tis the season to generate online traffic with last minute Christmas present purchases, greatly benefiting online retailers…but only those who come up in search results. 

Including seasonal keywords in your content at the right time is imperative, to ensure you get a slice of that Christmas traffic pie and ensure the best visibility on the search engine.

Seasonal keywords are keywords that increase in demand and popularity around a particular holiday or season since these keywords are included in popular search terms typed during this time of the year.

To spread some Christmas cheer, we decided to use our Keyword Master tool to show how our tool can help you find, categorise and analyse seasonal keywords and ‘sleigh’ your organic rankings.

Other than the fact that we just gave you free keywords, search volumes and trends (you’re welcome), the tool also auto-categorises your keywords and groups them by topic. 

The numbers alongside the categories show you how many suggested keywords have been automatically grouped under those categories according to their nature.

Not only does this give you an idea of the nature of suggested keywords under this topic, but the automatic assignment of the keywords into separate categories and groups makes it easier to create content based on a specific topic.

For example, if you want to write a blog post about “Top 10 Ideas for Christmas Gifts”, simply click on the ‘Gift Ideas’ or ‘Christmas gift ideas’ categories on the left, and find the best keywords to include in your content to enhance your online visibility.

Makes life easier, doesn’t it?

Better yet, when you click on the ‘Statistics’ tab (the little one on the top), this shows up:

That’s right, we give you a history of the search volumes for all keywords generated. 

Why is this useful? Glad you asked!

The search volume history shows you when exactly these keywords generate the most traffic i.e. which months users start to use these keywords in search terms on Google. By being able to pin-point the exact time at which these keywords start picking up traffic, you can adapt your content strategy to include these keywords in blog posts, ads and articles to ensure they show up on the search results pages (SERPs).

So what’s the point of the categories? You can see the search volumes for them too!

Myposeo gives you a full (and colourful) view of how the search volume of these keywords is distributed by category. 

The tree-map visualisation of the keyword categories shows you the keywords under each category that generate the most traffic. This provides you with a quick overview of the search volumes per group.

Why you should care:

When you look at the bar graph of search history trends for all keywords, in conjunction with the tree-map of search volumes per category – you get the best of both worlds. You now know when to start creating seasonal content, and with what keywords to secure the best online visibility that’s gonna knock your Christmas socks off (you know you got them).

Check out our other Visibility Audit and Rank Tracking tools to ensure your SEO strategy is as lit as your Christmas tree this year!

From the Myposeo family, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

May Madan

Marketing Assistant UK @myposeo