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Adding mobile rank tracking on search engines

For over four years now, myposeo tool is constantly evolving and try to meet up to your expectations. Today, you can track your ranks on 4 engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing & Baidu) and over 300 extensions. We also take into consideration 36,000 french cities and expect to do the same in other countries. To go further, we just added mobile tracking.


In the Rank Tracking tool, you now have possibility  to choose between Desktop and Mobile for each of your keywords. Desktop simulates a search from a computer while Mobile replaces the behavior of an iPhone search.

Hold down shift to select Desktop & Mobile


In Keywords view, you will see in the “Search Engine” column an icon of a mobile or a computer, depending on your configuration.

In parallel, a new “Devices” view appeared in the Tracking. You will be able to compare directly and easily desktop and mobile positions of all your keywords. Simply clic on the “+” to add mobile tracking for the keyword and calculate its position.

Likewise, you can choose under “Devices” between Desktop and Mobile in the SERP audit tool. This will allow you to know all websites on both types of devices.

Finally, in the Adwords tracking tool, we added the “Device” column in the CSV template file. You will be able to choose between desktop, mobile and tablet for your SEA tracking campaigns. To avoid errors when uploading your file, we recommend you to use Keynote if you have a Mac.

Alexandre Sigoigne

CEO and co-founder of Myposeo, I am passionate about data, marketing, analytics and innovation.