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Try the Myposeo SEO Rank tracking plugin

For this new year 2019, we want to improve the experience of our users more than ever. Therefore, we have developed a Myposeo extension so that you can take even more advantage of our services to achieve your objectives.

As Myposeo customers, this extension allows you to access data from SEO Monitoring projects in progress (active campaigns), directly in WordPress.

Meaning that, you can track the variations in the positioning of the keywords of one of your projects directly in your WordPress back office (the plugin displays data from only one campaign at a time).

How to configure the plugin ?

Méthod 1 : from

Méthod 2 : from your WordPress account

Plugin installation

After downloading the extension, do the following to connect your WordPress account to your Myposeo account :




Tracking SEO positions in WordPress

After configuring the plugin, you will be able to follow the evolution of the keywords of your SEO Tracking campaigns, directly in your WordPress interface.

Here is a screenshot of the SEO Tracking table in WordPress :

The SEO Monitoring table is divided fewer indicators:

You can also filter the data in the table according to:

We hope that this Myposeo Plugin will meet your writing needs.

Feel free to request online support if you have any problems during configuration, as well as to share, rate, and leave comments to help us improve the service.

Note: if you are a Freemium user and want to take advantage of the options of the Myposeo extension, subscribe to the paid offer after your 30-day trial period.