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SEO News from Last Week

Busy week? Stay up to date with the latest SEO news with a quick read of our new article highlighting key occurrences from last week

News #1: Breaking the myth of H1 tags

Google’s John Mueller shocked SEO professionals on Tuesday by breaking the myth about Heading Tags having a critical impact on a website’s SEO. 

‘’He says that you can use any number of heading tags on a website and there is no ‘’upper or lower bound’’ ‘’. This implies that one’s website will rank almost the same whether or not they use heading tags since Google pays little to no attention to them, despite common belief.

Should you completely get rid of H1 tags then? Absolutely not! Headings give a webpage great structure and strengthen its readability, which enhance your reader’s experience on your page, ultimately increasing your rank. Remember, SEO is all about the user experience.

Source: Flipweb

News #2: Shopify Marketing integrate with Microsoft Advertising

The integration is a great opportunity for e-commerce merchants on Shopify Marketing to reach a wider audience considering Microsoft Advertising powers search advertising on a number of search engines such as Bing, Yahoo and AWOL, including partner sites.

Microsoft Advertising has great market share in the US desktop search market (36%) with over a 100 million unique searchers in this region monthly, giving Shopify Marketing access a huge potential customer base.

From setting up and tracking search campaigns and results, to having access to store management dashboards, e-commerce merchants will gain the best value from this integration.

Source: Search Engine Land

News #3: Easier Cross-Account Analysis now on Google Ads Report Editor

The new update now allows the display of cross-account data that users can visualise and manipulate in real-time without having to leave the Google Ads interface.

This will enhance Manager Account handlers’ experience on the interface as they no longer will have to download reports and put them through a separate software to visualise data across multiple accounts.

This time-saving mechanism will be valued by users as it creates a more seamless user journey.

Source: Search Engine Journal

News #4: End of an Era for PPC

September 30th marked the end of Google’s average position metric on Google Ads. This was a change that SEO’s saw coming following Google’s announcement in February that they would phasing out the popular feature.

The changes unfolded this week when the metric was found disabled, forcing advertisers to update scripts, rules and filters that relied solely on the now disabled, average position metric. The time has come to rethink bidding strategies as a result of the removal of the metric.

A silver lining? Impression rate position metrics are the new kids in town, that give a better understanding of where your ads actually sit on the page as opposed to a vague, approximate position. Familiarise yourself with the new metrics here.

Source: Search Engine Land


Marketing manager @myposeo, community manager and writer.